Saturday, November 17, 2007

2.3, Ret and PVP

Ok, some background. I levelled Rhubarb to 70 with the intention of being a Ret pally. I was accepted into Heroes as a Ret pally, (Ferth has always had an open mind about that, good man.) After extensive research and my aversion to BG's and some really bad first impressions in the arena (2v2: 1-9 with the one win coming when our opponents didn't show, sorry Wich I didn't mean to squeal. :)) I decided to shelve Ret in favor of Brambles. I went back to Rhubarb when our guild was in need of healers and/or tanks, and I discovered that healing and tanking are actually fun. I am currently sitting as a decently geared healing pally for arenas and raids, a uncrittable not-quite uncrushable tanking pally, and a noob ret pally with a great big hammer that I was lucky enough to get off of HKM.

So, with 2.3 Blizzard made some great changes to Ret pallies that I was eager to try out. With my schedule making me unable to raid in the near future I decided to respec to Ret for testing purposes. With the best Ret gear coming from Arenas and BG's, avoiding PVP and gearing Ret does not fit. Now the Arenas is not the horrible thing it used to be, I am on a fun team with great people and we are keeping a 1500 5v5 rating. I have a consistent, if slow, source of Arena points that I can use to grab gear. In fact when Season 3 hits, I will be grabbing either the gauntlets or the leggings, not sure which ones yet.

Patch 2.3 introduced the daily BG quest, which I think is brilliant. I figured, I could do the daily BG quest each day if possible and get a slow trickle of honor points to pick up gear while limiting my time in the BG's so I don't lose my mind. I started this theory yesterday with the AV quest.

Now, with the changes to AV I now understand even less what to do than I did before (which was minimal). Wichita and I went into an AV that had already started although barely, but enough that the Horde already controlled the road to SH. It was ugly, we watched as Alliance after Alliance charged in single handedly to their deaths, it was pathetic. We eventually afked out since the game was taking forever and we had no chance of winning. My theory was in bad shape because the one BG I was able to stand wasn't any fun at all.

I logged on later last night and just missed Heroic UB runs (2 of them) which left me to my own devices. I decided to give AV another try, by myself this time. The AV started well, we took down Galv and proceeded to the nearby graveyard. Unfortunately I died before the graveyard was capped and I ended up way back north with the Horde in control of SH again. Ahhh crap !! (I thought this to myself, thinking of the earlier occurrence). However, to my surprise, the Alliance actually cooperated together ! No one ran headlong into the mass of Horde, we supported each other, healed each other and we fought as a unit. We started winning the individual battles, taking ground and keeping it, it actually felt like a real battle. As for myself, I was hitting every thing I could reach with my hammer, cleansing as many seeds of corruption I could see, and I was able to retreat behind our lines when I was out of ammo (mana :)). Before I realized it we had actually won, and I was third in killing blows !! Even more surprising was that I had fun, and was excited about PVPing.

Later that night I tried EOTS for the first time, and I enjoyed myself again. I tried an AB and again I had fun, this is all very strange to me. I have no idea of the strategies involved, I just follow people and swing my hammer, lol. My theory however is a total bust, I planned on getting ~800 - 1000 honor a day, I got 3300 yesterday !! In only 6 total BG runs, 1 of which I afked out.

I an going to say that this new change has to do with speccing Ret and having the spec be useful. I was an effective force much of the time and I felt that I was able to contribute. However, my Ret gear is still quite lacking for PVE and especially for PVP. I was able to notice a definite difference when I fought someone with good gear and someone with bad gear. I have a plan though and the nice thing about Ret is grabbing PVP gear is also the best choice for PVE gear as well.

So to sum up, look out AOS and Nightfall, another Retnoob is on the loose. :P

Tuesday, November 13, 2007